
Rock On To 30!

I cannot believe today is the last day I will say that I am 29!!!  It is just so crazy to think this is the last time I will say that I am 20-something.  But, you know what -- I am so ready.  I have been prepping for my 30th birthday since I turned 25.  25 was much harder.  I was a quarter of a century old.  It was my golden birthday that I would have when I was OLD.  I was no longer in my early-20's.  But 30 . . . Well, I have had many women to watch turn 30.  And 40.  And they have done it with grace and beauty and I am honored to join their ranks.

I have been reading many blogs and books and such the last few months.  I actually joined Pinterest.  I am focusing in on new roles and existing roles in my work place and with volunteering.  I have plans for my home and my family.  2015 and my 30th year are going to be awesome!!!  Keep posted for more to come.  And let me know if there is anything you want to hear :)

Blessings on your week,